The proposal to build a Muslim community center called the Cordoba House, two blocks from where the World Trade Centre stood, has unleashed a torrent of emotions. The proposed project near ground zero is a testimony to all that is great about America ; a greater display of America ’s freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly.
There are some groups that are out there basically spewing hate-filled propaganda about Muslims across the country. America was built on the shoulders of giants who migrated from all over the world. The purpose of building the Mosque and Islamic Center at ground zero is not to target innocent people or promote terrorism. The fact is that to build bridge to help people to understand Islam and Muslims globally.
It is important for Americans to know that this is a growing trend across the US, under the flagship of Islamophobia, targeting individuals and projects that are trying to build bridges of understanding between Muslim and non-Muslim communities. There are over six million Muslims living in the US , perhaps that number is even larger. Muslim individuals are very well integrated into American society. They are a vibrant part of American society, and really need to be recognized as an integral part of this country like other communities. There needs to be broader education on Muslims in America , who they are and how they contribute to this country, and for Americans to see them as an integral part of the society.
Fears of terrorism and its erroneously perceived links to Islam are cited by detractors as their most common concerns. However, the detractors either ignore or are ignorant of the fact that those who perpetrate terrorism betray the teachings of Islam, which is why 9/11 has been unequivocally condemned by all major Islamic scholars, organizations and countries. Linking Islam, a faith practiced by over a billion people worldwide, to the terrorism being committed by a handful of fanatical and misguided Muslims is absurd. Certainly, we should preserve the memory of the Sept. 11 tragedy and be respectful of those who lost their loved ones.
I firmly believe that there are a lot of Americans who believe in the right to worship and freedom of expression under our constitutional rights, who will stand in solidarity with Muslims across this great land as they have for other communities who have been subjected to hateful bigotry fueled by a few misguided individuals over the course of this country’s history. We have a responsibility to stand united against division, intimidation and hatred. We must stand for a society based on mutual respect and understanding and dignity for all our communities.As New York Mayor Michel Bloomberg stated, “What is great about America , and particularly New York , is that we welcome everybody.”